某一日我望瀑布,其起于河流,止于河流: 河水遇鸿沟,化作数单一的水体,脱离,下坠,触碰,回归河流, 随水流淌某日成为另一处瀑布。
某一日我读《老子》,人始于天地,归于天地: 在此之间,脱离,生长,交合,回归天地, 而不同于河,人擅用其光,复归于明,生之不息。该作品将被解构的瀑布之影像,拓片之残像重新组合,在瀑布的头尾影像之间,留出空间以金刚经文拓片填充。当理解其中应无所住,而生其心后,瀑布从有限成为无限,来去之间的意义正是答案。
One day watching the waterfall, which started in the river and ended in the river: When the river flow to the gap, it turns into a single drops, detaching, falling, touching, returning to the river
One day I reading "Lao Tzu", man begins in heaven and earth and returns to heaven and earth:In between, detaching, growth, communicating, returning to heaven and earth, just as drops in waterfall of a river.
This work reassembles the deconstructed images of the waterfall and the rubbings of stone carving of vajra scriptures. Lao tzu believed that "recovery" is the process of the whole life from birth to death, that is, from the beginning of the creation of all things, to the completion of the whole "recovery" process, which is part of samsara. The work try to describe a understanding of life: the images of the start and end of waterfall is used to hint the process of physiological life, with juxtaposed a rubbing of the stone Diamond Sutra symbolized spirit existence.
Note: Lao Tzu's "Chapter 52" : use the light.revert to enlightenment and thereby avoid danger to one's life, this is called practicing the eternal.

某一日我望瀑布,其起于河流,止于河流: 河水遇鸿沟,化作数单一的水体,脱离,下坠,触碰,回归河流, 随水流淌某日成为另一处瀑布。
某一日我读《老子》,人始于天地,归于天地: 在此之间,脱离,生长,交合,回归天地, 而不同于河,人擅用其光,复归于明,生之不息。该作品将被解构的瀑布之影像,拓片之残像重新组合,在瀑布的头尾影像之间,留出空间以金刚经文拓片填充。当理解其中应无所住,而生其心后,瀑布从有限成为无限,来去之间的意义正是答案。
One day watching the waterfall, which started in the river and ended in the river: When the river flow to the gap, it turns into a single drops, detaching, falling, touching, returning to the river
One day I reading "Lao Tzu", man begins in heaven and earth and returns to heaven and earth:In between, detaching, growth, communicating, returning to heaven and earth, just as drops in waterfall of a river.
This work reassembles the deconstructed images of the waterfall and the rubbings of stone carving of vajra scriptures. Lao tzu believed that "recovery" is the process of the whole life from birth to death, that is, from the beginning of the creation of all things, to the completion of the whole "recovery" process, which is part of samsara. The work try to describe a understanding of life: the images of the start and end of waterfall is used to hint the process of physiological life, with juxtaposed a rubbing of the stone Diamond Sutra symbolized spirit existence.
Note: Lao Tzu's "Chapter 52" : use the light.revert to enlightenment and thereby avoid danger to one's life, this is called practicing the eternal.